Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Last Call!!!

This was just a little preview of my orders from last weekend.  Phew!  Busy but FUN!  :)  7 orders = 200 cookies!!  These were teacher presents, class snacks, and of course there were some firetrucks thrown in the mix (see last post).  

This is just a reminder - this is LAST CALL!  If you are in need of cookies for this week, today is the last chance to order.  All cookies ordered today will be ready to be picked up on Christmas Eve.  Think family get-togethers, cookies for Santa, or just cookies to munch on over the holiday! 

I will not be taking any orders for next week (the week between Christmas and New Years) so order now!  If you do need cookies during that time, place an order for this week - they freeze well!  

Happy 4th Birthday Evan!!

Evan is one of our neighbors and buddies with my boys too.  He celebrated his 4th birthday (which is actually today) last Saturday.  He had a super fun firetruck birthday party.  The kids got to run around and play and get a special tour of a Rescue Firetruck - a little different from the typical firetruck but neat to see the different things it had on it.  And I was totally impressed by all of the gluten free food that Jill served!  YUMMY!  And of course the party favor was some super yummy firetruck cookies.  Happy Birthday Evan!!!  Thanks for letting us celebrate your special day with you!  

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Kendall and Jacob!!

Ok, so technically, they don't turn 5 until Friday but I'm so happy that I got to see these 2 super special kids on the day of their big parties!!  
Just a little info about this special family - Kendall and Jacob's mommy has been such a big part in keeping me sane through my children's childhood thus far.  She called me each and every week before my boys were born and the same after they were born - just to make sure I was ok and to tell me how great of a mommy I was.  I just can't thank her enough for how wonderful she has been to me!  
For Kendall and Jacob's birthday this year, she had a big challenge!  5 year old boys and girls just want totally different stuff!  So Jacob had a super fun magician birthday party and Kendall got to have a very "princessy" mani & pedi spa party.  My job was to create their birthday goodies.  We did cupcakes for Jacob and a cake for Kendall.  
I'm so glad they had such a special day!!  Happy 5th Birthday!!

And just in case you missed their birthday cake from last year, I'll post that too!  Last year, for their birthday, they got to take a trip to ride the Polar Express train.  

Don't Forget...

....the wonderful people around town that keep us safe and take care of us!  Not only the police officers, but the postal workers, the workers at the places around town that you frequent, and everyone in between.  
This year, instead of doing an advent calendar where you get to pick a piece of candy, or hand a small ornament on a tree, I chose to do an activity each day (I wish I could say I came up with this...but I stole this idea from a neighbor).  We've bought presents for a toy drive, driven around to look at Christmas lights, and made homemade hot chocolate - just to name a few.  This morning our card said to make a special treat for a local police dept to say "Merry Christmas and thank you for all you do."  Well lucky for us, daddy is a police officer and can help us deliver these in the morning!  Also, I know that at his office, they will know they came from us and will know it's ok to eat them :)  

Thank you police officers for all you do!

It's Beginning to Feel a Lot Like Christmas!

Christmas is absolutely my favorite holiday.  I can't get enough of Christmas music, the yummy smells of Christmas, and the food....I mean who can pass up the awesome baked goods at this time of year??  This weekend, I had the pleasure of making some Christmas cookies for a sweet lady at church.  She called and said she wanted some cookies to share with her grandkids.  I'm sure they will be excited when they see these 2 plates FULL of cookies!  Her request was Santa faces and Christmas trees - and here's how they turned out!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Snowflakes, Snowflakes, Everywhere...

I was sooo excited to have the chance to use my new snowflake cookie cutter - and what do you know, my mom asked if I could make some cookies and she left the design up to me.  She ordered these cookies to hand out to their favorite Starbucks employees at the local store (which my step dad frequents daily).  What a nice gift to give out - I mean everyone likes cookies - and much more cost efficient than buying gifts for each person!

Sweet Savannah's Birthday

I've done a couple of orders already for Corey but these were by far the cutest!  She sent me a link to the blog http://www.hwtm.com/index.cfm?page=albums/view_album&albumid=206&photoid=4996 so that I could recreate some cookies from it.  I thought this theme was just precious!!!  PERFECT for a winter birthday!  So I did penguin cookies as favors and I also made some peppermint cookies that Corey could put out at the party for her guests to enjoy.  And to top it off, the peppermint cookies had a little peppermint flavoring in the icing. YUM!!  :)  Here's how they came out -

And look at these super cute tags that Corey picked out to have added to the bagged cookies.  They were super cute - and a great way to say "Thanks" to your guests for coming to the party.  I'm sure the rest of the party decor was just as precious!!


Wow...I definitely realized that my boys must live in a very "Thomas the Tank" kind of bubble.  I had NO CLUE what Transformers looked like until I started looking for pictures.  Once again, this is something I'm sure my children will get into some day.  At least I have practice now!  Kristine, I hope you had a fabulous party for your sweet little 5 year old!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Christmas is Just Around the Corner!

Anyone counting down?  If not, here's the breakdown as of RIGHT now -
You have 31 sleeps, 2 hours, 37 minutes, and 36...no 35....no 34 seconds...I guess you get the idea huh?
Wow - this totally scares me when I sit back and realize how much needs to get done in the next month!

And if you haven't thought about the upcoming December events, start thinking soon....cookie exchanges (I mean no one has to know you didn't make them yourself...right?), work Christmas parties, family get-togethers, teacher gifts, presents for someone that has everything, and even something to leave out for Santa Clause himself.
And what better idea than to order COOKIES!!

Here are a couple of pictures of cookies that I created last year - but as always, feel free to give me any other ideas of something you have in mind.  I can more than likely create it for you!  I know coming up this month, I have penguin cookies, peppermint cookies, a princess cake, magician cupcakes, and a couple of Christmas orders to do.  I also have a new snowflake cutter that I am dying to use!

Don't miss out on your chance to order - I will only take 4 orders per weekend!

And as a side note, to order, I have a new email account set up JUST for cookies!  Please email any orders to creativecookiesNC@gmail.com.

Mickey Mouse Strikes Again!

I just love Mickey Mouse....I mean who doesn't???  And of course, it is the perfect theme for a super cute little 1 year old boy's party.  I know his Mommy worked super hard on making this the perfect party for him.  I hope that he enjoyed his party and getting to hang out with all of his family.

Happy 1st Birthday Brooks!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gobble Gobble!

Looking for a cute Thanksgiving day treat to have out for the family?  Why not turkeys???  I made these for the St. John's Baptist Church bake sale/craft fair/chili cookoff night.  I think they turned out pretty cute!  And they were a "test run" for an order I have due next week.  Also, this is an example of the cookies if you prefer not to have the ribbon tied onto the bag.  For these, there is a sticker on the back holding the bag together with my website and info on it.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you Levine Nurses!

I'm happy to say that FINALLY little Christopher is better.  He spent a couple of weeks in the Levine Children's Hospital at CMC while they did all kinds of tests, etc to see what was going on with the little man.  He was a trooper and is finally better!  As a thank you to the nurses, his mommy ordered cookies to sit at the nurses station.  Jackie requested flowers on the cookies so I made a variety of flowers on the mini cookies (I figured the more cookies, the better!).

Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloweeen Goodies Galore!

The past years, I have had all intentions of making some super special Halloween goodies but just never took the time.  This year, I had all kinds of opportunities - so I ran with it!

Our annual UnionCountyMommies Trunk or Treat was last weekend and we always have a cake walk.  In past years, I have baked some sort of cake and taken that - but since lately I have been in cookie mode, I thought hey, why not take a cookie tray!  Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of them!  :(  But it was a tray (similar to the last post with the reunion cookies) with a mixture of Halloween pumpkins, ghosts, and moons.  I promise, it was SUPER cute!  :)

I also had an order for a super sweet little girl's birthday cookies.  And since her birthday is so close to Halloween, they are pumpkins!  They are more "little kid" type pumpkins and I love how they turned out!

I also decided to try a treat that I saw on Pinterest (another super awesome website).  Mummy OREO pops!  White chocolate and oreos - how much better can you get??  I also made the super cool mummy eyes - they are made from royal icing and really didn't take long.  And now I have TONS of little eyes to use on fun treats around the house.  I only made a half batch and it made well over a couple hundred eyes!  We are taking these yummy treats to a Halloween party this morning - and we are also sharing a few with our neighbors....and of course the boys and I had to taste one to make sure they were edible :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Family Reunion for the Tutterows!

The Tutterow family is having their reunion this weekend!  I hope they have a blast and enjoy some yummy cookies coming their way :)  These are actually my smaller sized cookies - yes, usually I do my regular sized round cookies but I also have smaller options.  I put these together on a platter since they will be enjoyed at the party - and not as a favor to take home from a party.  All of them are decorated with a "T" and of course done in Carolina Blue (since that is the BEST kind of blue out there).  Enjoy your weekend Tutterows (and Young)!  :)

Under the Sea - Mermaids and Sharks

I was so excited about how these came out!  I was a little scared as I searched for cookie cutters for this order. All of the mermaids out there are a little "grown up" and I was trying to find something for a 3 year old!  If all else fails, design your own!  :)  These were for a double party - 5 year old boy and 3 year old girl.  And they were PRECIOUS and so excited about their cookies!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Baby Boys Galore

Is it just me or are there lots of baby boys being born (or coming into the world soon)?  Here are cookies for another fabulous baby shower.  Kristine sent me a copy of the invitation, which is a great tip for anyone ordering cookies to go along with a theme.  If you have already printed invitations and would like for your cookies to match, just send me a pdf of the invite OR get an invitation to me, and I'll be happy to match it (and this also helps me to match colors).
Congratulations to the DeJong family and baby Lucas that will be arriving soon!

Happy 1st Birthday Mia!

I am just in awe of how quickly all of my friend's kids grow up!  I feel like it wasn't that long ago that Sheila was pregnant.  And now Mia is 1.  Where does the time go???  I've enjoyed watching her grow over the past year and am just amazed at how quickly she discovered how to walk and is already saying a few words like "up!".  I am also totally impressed by Sheila's party decorating abilities for Mia's party!  Yellow and black everywhere, a super cute food table (including lots of goodies for the kids to enjoy), and Mia's cute little onesie to celebrate her day along with a matching tutu (made by Sheila herself!).  I'm so happy we were able to celebrate Mia's special day with her!

Baby Drew is here!

Corey is a fellow Union County Mommy and was looking for something to give people as they visited after the baby was born.  Cookies are a GREAT idea!  So we waited....and waited...and waited for Baby Drew to make his arrival.  Corey had it all planned out - down to getting me a pdf of the tag she wanted attached to the cookies.  I am amazed at her planning abilities!  So when Corey came home from the hospital, I stopped by that evening to deliver her cookies.  Congrats Corey!  

Zachary Andrew Cohen II- "Drew" 
Wednesday September 28, 2011 
7 lbs 8 oz 19.5" long 

Bake Sale Anyone??

When a friend asked if I could make some cookies for their preschool's bake sale, I was happy to do it.  The challenge though is when you are given "Just do anything on them."  My first thought was bright colors (I mean you want everyone's eyes to come to the "cool" cookies right??),  And I just love polka dots - so that's what we have!  Hope the bake sale was a success!  

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Weekend of Cookies

I tend to put a lot of stuff on my plate and not worry how it will all be accomplished - but WOW did I do that this past weekend!  First off, I ended up with 5 cookie orders for one weekend.  I know that doesn't sound like a lot - but when you are a stay at home mom and babysitter, it becomes A LOT!  Not only did I have over 100 cookies to complete, but I also thought it would be no big thing to throw in a big CMOMs meeting, and a trip to the Apple Orchard with the kids into the mix.  It was a challenging task to say the least, but still, I LOVED doing all of the cookies and I LOVED seeing everyone's faces when they got their cookies.  Keep an eye out for posts about all of these wonderful orders!

Monday, September 26, 2011

NY Mets

 Last week, the lovely Julissa (and fellow twin mama) ordered some cookies for a Zumba friend of her's.  She sent me a picture of what she had in mind and I used that to create these....

And here is a pic of the set up :)  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Peace, Love, and Sugar Cookies!!

I've noticed that the cool thing for kids and teens these days is the peace signs and the NEON colors!  Wow...that sentence made me feel really old.  I recently had a request for peace sign cookies.  And I made them about as neon as I could get.  LOVE how they turned out!  I guess you could say they were real "groovy".

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Christmas Already???

Today, as we were having lunch, my boys mentioned that they wanted to watch a movie.  So of course, we did.  Well, I should have been thankful that they didn't ask to watch a Thomas the Tank movie but they did request The Polar Express.  Now, we watch this movie A LOT in my house but it makes me laugh every time when it is warm outside - yet they want to watch a movie about Christmas?  And snow?  And Santa?
So we watched it again....for about the millionth time....

But anyway, as I was watching it, it reminded me of a cake that I did almost a year ago.  My friend Cathy came to me and asked me if I'd be willing to do her twins' birthday cake.  Their birthday is really close to Christmas and last year, she took them on The Polar Express train ride up in the mountains for their birthday present.  This is really the FIRST cake (other than a box cake mix) that I had tried to make in my home.  And Cathy gave me free reign to do whatever I could create.  So here's what came out of it!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Baby Shower Butterflies

Recently, Corey came to me with a request to do cookies for her new baby that is on the way.  Once I told her all about them and showed her some pictures, she decided to order some for a baby shower.  She asked for brown and lavender butterflies.  I LOVE these colors together!

Can't wait until Baby Drew arrives!  :) (of course he will get something a little more boyish than purple butterflies).  I'll post pictures of those whenever Drew makes his appearance!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fireworks, Sleepovers, and Monster Trucks - Oh my!

And the MVP (or customer) award goes to Nancy!  One thing I love about Nancy is that she gives me a challenge and lets me run with it.  She gives me an idea and every time I say "well, I've never done that before but I am happy to give it a shot."  And sure enough, I do it and she keeps coming back :)  The teacher cookies in the last post were actually for her too!  
For her daughter's birthday, they had a sleepover - so of course I made sleepover cookies!  I mixed up the designs on the sleeping bags and made each girl one with blonde hair and one with brown hair.  And each sleeping bag had the girls' names on them.  I'm sure those girls had a blast at that party (and I'm sure Nancy didn't get a bit of sleep) :)  Oh, and don't let me forget, her birthday is around July 4th, so I made a few firework cookies for the rest of the family to eat too!  

And the latest challenge was a monster truck birthday party.  Who knew that they made monster truck cookie cutters??????  Well, they do!  In our house, we haven't gotten into the monster trucks yet (but I'm sure it's coming).  So when I heard that her son's favorite was Grave Digger, I said WHO?????  Thanks to google, I ended up with more pictures of Grave Digger than I could ever want.  And here is the finished product!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Summer is over...Back to School!

 As I'm trying to go back and post pictures of past cookies that I have done, I found that these would be perfect today.  As all of the kids go back to school, you can't forget the teachers!  As a former teacher myself, I would have loved to have a personalized present like this.  This was actually made for an end of the year present idea for a teacher but this would be great for any time of year - beginning of the school year, teacher appreciation, end of the year, or heck, anytime in between!

This was made for the teacher with a personalized drinking glass with her name on it and cookie pops coming out of it.  And below is a more up close picture of the cookie pops themselves.

The next pictures were cookies that were made for the assistant teacher.  I used the same design as the teacher present but didn't make these cookie pops.  I packaged them in a box with a "Thank You Teacher" tag and matching ribbon.  There were 8 cookies in the box (even though only 4 are shown).

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Connor's Spiderman Party!

If there's one kid that loves his superheroes, its Connor!  This weekend he celebrated his 5th birthday with an awesome Spiderman theme.  I know he had a great time bouncing around with his friends at Extreme Play.  Here are the Spiderman cookies that he gave as favors to his friends!  Happy Birthday Connor!!!

Little Ladybug Maiya turns 2!

Over the last 8 months, I've gotten to see little Maiya grow.  She has really grown up a lot in this time.  Especially lately, she has really started to get taller and start looking more like a little girl (rather than having the little baby face).  We were able to celebrate her birthday with her this past weekend and her mommy did a fabulous job on all of the food and decorations - from creating our own bugs with craft supplies to the red candy covered pretzels with black sprinkles (along with all of the yummy red food).  I was asked to do cookies and cupcakes for the party and here they are along with a picture of precious Maiya blowing out the candles!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ava turns 6!

Right down the street lives sweet little Ava.  It's hard to believe that she is already a year older.  I had the pleasure of doing cookies for her birthday last year, so it's just hard to believe that it's ALREADY been a year!  Since this blog wasn't around then, I'll add last year's and this year's pictures.  
Last year, she was big into My Little Ponies (I used to LOVE these when I was her age too!).  So last year, she had rainbow cookies. 

Well, this year, we stuck with her favorite colors, pink and purple!  I mean what little girl doesn't like their pinks and purples???  And this year, they ordered the cookie pops.  I mean a cookie is great, but kids LOVE the cookies on a stick!    


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Minnie & Mickey Cookie Pops!

I was asked to do cookies for a super special little girl's 4th birthday.  And what better cookies to have than Mickey and Minnie cookie pops?!  All of the Minnie's had a red bow made from fondant and were all tied with red polka dot ribbon.  The best part of doing cookies is when the birthday girl (or boy) sees the cookies and their little faces light up!  I was so happy to be able to meet the special little birthday girl!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Wilson!

Wow!  I really can't believe that it's been a year already!!  When I heard Libby's theme idea, a teddy bear picnic, I thought it sounded SO cute!  Perfect idea for a summertime birthday party.  Her invitations were precious with a sweet picture of little Wilson with a BIG teddy bear (larger than him!), and his special birthday shirt.  It was absolutely cuter than I can even try to describe.  I was so excited to do little teddy bear cookies for his party.  Then Libby asked if I would be willing to do a cake.  I have done a total of 2 cakes out of my home so I was a little apprehensive.  But I LOVE decorating and thought, hey, why not give it a shot!  And Libby trusts me and knows that I will make it as cute as possible.  :)  So here they are!